Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Study finds weak participation on Web 2.0 sites

as reported by Tech News on ZDNet. It looks like not everyone is out there writing or uploading away with utter abandon!

More like reading and viewing what others provide. It's a clear sign that despite all the coverage web 2.0 has been getting for some time now, the vast audience out there has not yet caught on despite being crowned "Persons of the Year" by TIME Magazine in 2006.

There are no separate statistics on the travel sector but I'd venture a guess that the participation rates are probably higher than for the general audience reported here. Travel and tourism is not only the largest vertical online with the highest sales figures but is also a subject a huge number of people are participating in and are rather passionate about. While not everyone is going to upload their vacation photos on Flickr, many write reviews and comments about their trips.

This should produce higher percentages of participations in travel, however, it will take a while until it becomes a mainstream activity everyone engages in, if it ever will. Having said that, the implications on business are still considerable and can't be ignored.

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